IEO Launchpad
Moneda de suscripción:USDT
hora de inicio:2024-09-05 00:00:00
tiempo final:2025-03-04 00:00:00
Monto total emitido:4814000000.000000 USDT
Número de participantes:1825624563.000000 USDT
Descripción del proyecto
Límite de suscripción :10000000.000000
Precio unitario de suscripción :0.388000
Único más bajo :1825624563.000000
Límite de suscripción :1000.000000
Pencils Protocol leverages Zero-Knowledge technology to protect user privacy and ensures unbiased process to protect fair launches The subscription coins will be automatically released after being frozen for 90 days. After the release, the currency market will open the DAPP/USDT trading pair, and the contract market will open the DAPP/USDT trading pair for trading. The price is expected to be 10 times the subscription price. The profit for this time is 20%
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